music is passion!
If you listen to a recording by Maria Callas or a tango by Astor Piazolla, you will know what I mean. And feel… but there is even more.
The grandeur and primal force of Mahler’s Sinfonie der Tausend touch my heart just as the silence and simplicity of the slow movement of Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G do.
The vitality and driving force of Prokovjev’s Suite Scythe – specially the second movement – always manage to grab me by the throat. The way Glenn Gould tries to reach perfection in his approach to Bach’s music never ceases to inspire me.
It’s these musical qualities and inspirations that never fail to invigorate me as a conductor. They join up inside me and then I try to convey them to my musicians and through them to the audience.
Making music – conducting – to me is inextricably bound up with energy: the more I give, the more I get back. A most wonderful and addictive experience.
Frenk Rouschop (Sint Geertruid, Netherlands, 1960) enjoyed a thorough music education. From the age of 14 at the famous music academy in ’s Gravenvoeren (Belgium) before being admitted to Maastricht Conservatory of Music at the age of 18, where he at first took Trumpet and Music Education as main subjects before turning to Band Conducting as his main subject in 1985.
After finishing his Praktijkdiploma he proceeded to study with the éminence grise of dutch band conducting, Sef Pijpers, and it was under his tutorship that he graduated as Performing Artist in Band Conducting in 1990. By that time Frenk had already started to conduct several bands all over the Netherlands. Since then he has taken his bands to many of the contests of the dutch band federations as well as to the famous World Music Contest Kerkrade. His list of fame includes several national championships as well as 4 WMC-titles.
In order to widen his horizon, Frenk studied several years Orchestral Conducting with the well known dutch conductor and professor of music, Jan Stulen.
At present Frenk is working with several top wind bands. He is also working as an adjudicator (among others for the dutch band national band federation KNMO) and is actively involved in various music projects around the world.

This symphonic wind band from Bocholtz (region Simpelveld) was founded in 1886 and has for many decades been one of the most prolific bands in Limburg and the Euregion. The band was one of the first to enter in 1985 the Concert Division (the Champion’s League for bands) at WMC Kerkrade and has stayed on that high level ever since. The band is still going strong with a band strength of around 80 musicians and is annualy involved in more than 30 performances of various kinds (concerts, parades etc.).
Contest Results:
2019 Federal Contest, Concert Division, 95.33 points out of 100.

Fanfare De Vooruitgang was founded in 1921. Since 1952 the band has been competing in the highest divisions of the Brabant Union of Bands. Through several cooperation projects a lot of effort is spent in promoting the fanfare band in its own right by performing original music and special high quality transcriptions for this type of band. In this field the band has made a name for itself.
Contest Results:
2018 Federal Contest 1st Division, 93.5 points, 1st Prize with Distinction
2013 Federal Contest 1st Division, 90 points, 1st Prize with Distinction
2008 Federal Contest 1st Division, 87,14 points, 1st Prize

De Volksgalm was founded in 1924 by some 20 enthusiastic musicians, and soon grew into a full wind band. The band now has about 60 musicians. It is a small band but with a great musical heart.
Each performance is meticulously prepared to reach the highest possible result. Quality and musical pleasure are very important to the Volksgalm band.
Contest Results:
2017 WMC Kerkrade, 1st Division, 96.08 points, World Champion
2016 Provincial Contest Neerpelt (B), 1st Division, 93 points, champion
2013 WMC Kerkrade, 1st Division, 94.75 points
2009 WMC Kerkrade, 1st Division, 97.08 points, World Champion
2005 WMC Kerkrade, 1st Division, 83.75 points
2004 Provincial Contest Peer (B), 1st Division, 93 points, champion

The ‘Society of St. Cecilia”was founded in 1845. It went over to a fanfare instrumentation as early as 1865, but is yet still called the “harmony” in its home area.
To pay service to its community is still one of the main aims of this band. At the moment it encompasses no less than 5 layers: the student band; the youth drum band; the youth fanfare; the senior drum band; and the senior fanfare band. From 1970 the band has gone through a huge development both in size and quality mainly due to an excellent music education programme combined with top music advisors and conductors.
Contest Results:
2017 WMC Kerkrade, Concert Division, 95.8 points
2013 WMC Kerkrade, Concert Division, 94.3 points, runner up champion
2009 WMC Kerkrade, Concert Division, 91.84 points, runner up champion
2006 Federal Contest, 1st Division, 95.33 points, champion
Member of the Netherlands Repertoire Information Center (RIC)
Jury member for the dutch band federation KNMO
Link to media - ‘Alzheimer’ A music dramatic production by Jos Frusch on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Alzheimer Center Limburg; the premiere is set for 3 September 2021; the series will be concluded on 21 September 2021, World Alzheimer Day (link to media)
- Adjudicator music meeting Gulpen-Wittem
- ‘Choir and Organ Concert Rolduc’ conductor of the brass ensemble
- ‘In het zicht van de vrijheid’ music dramatic production by Jos Frusch. Various performances (link to press article)
- Concert ‘Ode to Freedom’ on the occasion of the province of Limburg’s 75 years Liberation Ceremonies (link to poster)
- Panel member for the LBM concert contests (link to media)
- Adjudicator KNMO concert contest Hoogeveen
- “Harmony & Duel’ Philarmonie Bocholtz and Belgian Brass (link to press article)
- Concert tour to China with ‘Euregion Brass, Wind & Percission’ Adjudicator conductor’s examination Ralf Schreurs
- Panel member for t he LBM concert contests (link to radio excepts)
- Adjuducator ‘HW Concert festival Zuid Holland’
- ‘Reflections of Bernstein’; concert contest programme Fanfare De Vooruitgang Stiphout
- ‘Night of Military Music’ guest conducting the Band of the Royal Military Police
- ‘The American Promise’ WMC Fanfare St. Caecilia Schimmert
- Regiment’s Fanfare Grenadiers en Jagers, guest conducting concert Groenloo
Emil Szarkowicz in gesprek met Frenk Rouschop
L1, 14 maart 2021
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Schoolvoorbeeld van ‘jury aan huis’
Klankwijzer KNMO, week 50 2019
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Jury beloont Phil Bocholtz
De Limburger, 10 december 2019
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L1 Cultuurcafé
Wouter Nelissen in gesprek met Frenk Rouschop
L1, 7 december 2019
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De jury op bezoek
De Limburger, 7 december 2019
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Lex ontmoet … Frenk Rouschop
Lex Nelissen in gesprek met Frenk Rouschop
RTV Parkstad, 04 december 2019
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L1 LBM Concertconcoursen
Live registratie concertconcoursen van de Limburgse Bond van Muziekgezelschappen vanuit de Oranjerie in Roermond. Tom Doesborg en Emil Szarkowicz presenteren deze uitzendingen en Frenk Rouschop en Fried Dobbelstein zitten in het panel.
L1 radio, 20 en 27 oktober 2019
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Frenk Rouschop: ‘Muziek is de baas, sociaal doen we aan het buffet’
De Limburger, 6 september 2018
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Rouschop zoekt avontuur
De Limburger, 8 september 2016
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De klassieke gast van L1 radio
Emil Szarkowicz in gesprek met Frenk Rouschop
L1, 6 september 2015
link to media
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